Virtual Structure Surveys

Virtual Structures can be used as the basis for administering and managing diagnostic and pulse surveys, e.g. to run a follow-up engagement survey at all the Accounting offices in the different regional offices, or to run pre- and post-training pulse surveys amongst all the delegates of a Leadership Development training course.

Virtual Structures will also allow you to view and analyze your survey results in the analytics dashboard through different lenses. To illustrate, a company-wide engagement survey that was conducted at organizational level  can be viewed at Regional Office or Divisional level via the official organizational structure (i.e. Actual Structure). The same engagement survey's results can also be viewed via custom Virtual Structures that have been specifically created for a Regional Office or Division, with business units grouped in hierarchies or networks that they can relate to.

virt struc filter

The results of previous surveys that have been done at an earlier stage can also be viewed through different lenses they can be viewed:

  • According to the current version of the Actual Structure, i.e. the survey responses will be mapped and shown according to business units as they are currently structured in the latest version of the Actual Structure;
  • According to the current version of a Virtual Structure, i.e. the survey responses will be mapped and shown according to business units as they are currently structured in the selected Virtual Structure;
  • Historically, with survey results mapped and shown according to the way the business units were originally structured in the Actual or Virtual Structure at the time when the survey was conducted.


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