Edit a Survey Model

Part 4 menu survey model

The Survey models menu item serves as the repository of all the survey models that have been created over time. When you click on the Survey models menu item, a table with a list of all the available survey models will be displayed (if any):

The side panel will be updated with a number of toolbox functions that will allow you to create a new survey model or copy, edit or delete one of the existing survey models. The toolbox functions can also be accessed by selecting a survey model (it should be highlighted in burgundy), and then clicking on the Edit, Copy or Delete survey model toolbox functions in the dropdown menu in the work area.


Part 4 A panel menu      Part 4 B dropdown menu

The toolbox functions will be discussed in more detail in the following section.

Part 4 C newmodel Create a new custom survey model from scratch

Click on the New survey model toolbox function in the side panel or on the New button in the work area to create a new survey model. A dialogue window will be displayed requiring you to add a name for the new survey model and to select the business unit owner of the survey model from the Business Unit dropdown. The survey model will be associated to the selected business unit, and can be edited by anyone with appropriate editing rights for that particular business unit. See Sharing Survey Models for more on owning or sharing survey models.

Part 3 template name

The Anonymous Survey option will be selected by default, which means the survey model will be anonymised - survey results will only be shown if there are more than the minimum threshold number of responses for the business unit and/or current filter. Deselect the option to create a survey model where individual responses can be viewed in the analytics dashboard.

Click on the OK button to save it. The Edit survey model work area and a number of sub-menu items in the side panel will be displayed:


  • Constructs/questions – define or edit survey constructs (themes or topics) and their related survey questions. The survey results of individual survey questions will be grouped and shown as part of a survey construct in the Engage ANALYTICS dashboard (see Constructs & Questions);
  • Diagnostic survey – define or edit the default diagnostic online survey questionnaire layout for the survey model (see Survey Questionnaires);
  • Pulse surveys – define or edit one or more pulse survey questionnaire layouts for pulse surveys which use one or more survey questions from the survey model (see Pulse Surveys);
  • Communications (Mindset Partners only) – edit the email templates for the invitation and reminder emails to participants (see Survey Communications);
  • Survey settings – choose whether to share a survey model, whether a progress bar and mandatory question message should be displayed on the online questionnaire pages, and more (see Survey Settings);
  • Benchmarks – select one or more benchmarks (if available) for the current survey model (see Survey Benchmarks);
  • Publish (Mindset Partners only) – make the survey model available as a survey template to one or more clients (see Publish Survey Templates).

Part 4 D edit Make changes to an existing survey model

Select a survey model (it should be highlighted in burgundy), and then click on the Edit survey model toolbox function in the side panel or in the toolbox dropdown menu. Alternatively, just double-click on the survey model name to edit it. The Edit survey model work area and a number of sub-menu items in the side panel will be displayed (see the New survey model section above for more).

Part 4 E copy Copy an existing survey model from the list as the starting point for a new survey model

Select a survey model (it should be highlighted in burgundy), and then click on the Copy survey model toolbox function in the side menu or in the toolbox dropdown menu in the work area. A dialogue window where you can confirm that you want to copy the survey model will come up. Click on the OK button to save the survey model. An iteration number (#1) will be added to the name of the new survey model. You can edit or rename the survey model by means of the Edit survey model function.

Part 4 F delete Delete an existing survey model from the list of survey models and all questionnaires associated with the model

Select a survey model (it should be highlighted in burgundy), and then click on the Delete survey model toolbox function in the side menu or in the toolbox dropdown menu in the work area. A dialogue window where you will be required to confirm that you want to delete the survey model will come up. Click on the OK button to delete the survey model. Please note that a survey model that is currently in use in an active survey cannot be deleted.


For more information, click on a sub-menu item at the top of the page⇑ or in the right margin