Run a Survey Campaign

The Run Survey module of Engage SURVEY will allow you to launch, monitor, and manage a survey campaign: 

  • A comprehensive checklist wizard will help you to make sure that you haven’t missed anything before you launch the survey;
  • Monitor survey participation and sampling errors in real time via the survey participation dashboard;
  • Track survey scores in real-time in the analytics dashboard;
  • Send reminder emails to all participants who have not yet completed the survey; and
  • Manage participants while the survey is running, including adding or removing survey participants, resending survey emails, or resetting survey responses. 

Part 1 diagram


To successfully launch and run a survey campaign, the following should already have been done:

  • Survey model & questionnaire – defined a survey model and related online survey questionnaire by means of the Editing Survey Models function;
  • Participants – captured or imported survey participants with their email addresses by means of the Manage Participants module, unless the intention is to run the survey as a public (open) link that anyone can respond to (in which case employee details and email addresses will not be needed);
  • Survey campaign – defined a survey campaign by selecting a survey model and questionnaire by means of the Define Survey Campaign function, and survey participants by means of the Select Survey Participants function (except in the case of a public survey, see previous point);
  • Communications – defined the survey invitation email’s subject heading and content (including a survey link) via the Survey Communications function; and
  • Testing – test links have been sent and testing concluded via the Manage Test Emails emails function. 

Part 1B ingredients

To ensure full control by the user over the launch of a survey and any subsequent survey-related activities, surveys and reminder emails will not be triggered or launched automatically on the dates as defined when the survey campaign was created; surveys and reminder emails have to be started and triggered manually. 


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