This section will provide you with some context and guidelines with respect to the interpretation and analysis of your survey results.
Note: some of the content below is restricted to registered clients or Mindset Partners; please log in by means of the Portal Login button at the top of the page to view this content.
Calculating Survey Scores for Likert Questions
Likert survey question scores are shown as a score out of 100, and are calculated as a function of the number of respondents for each of the question’s Likert options.
Understanding Sampling Errors
To determine whether the number of survey responses from a survey group or business unit are sufficiently representative, it will be necessary to calculate the sampling error, i.e. the extent or margin of error to which a particular sample actually represents the views and opinions of the group being surveyed.
Looking at Survey Trends
Display and track survey scores over time at construct and survey question level.
Data Analytics Method Steps & Resources
The Data Analytics Method steps as outlined will provide you with a structured approach towards the review and analysis of Flow@Work engagement survey responses - an approach that can also in general terms be used for the analysis of any survey's results.
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