Pulse Questionnaires

Part 8 menu

Selecting the Edit survey model toolbox function will result in the survey model work area and a number of sub-menu items in the side panel being displayed. The Pulse survey sub-menu item will allow you to define or edit one or more pulse survey questionnaire layouts that will be associated with the selected survey model. Click on the Create questionnaire toolbox function in the side panel or the New button in the work area to create a new pulse survey questionnaire. 

Part 8A pulse list

Generating the Questionnaire with a Wizard

A pulse survey questionnaire can either be created manually or with the aid of the Questionnaire layout wizard. Clicking on the Create questionnaire toolbox function in the side panel or the New button in the work area will result in the following dialogue window being displayed:

Part 8B options

Click on the Define manually button to generate an empty questionnaire with only the mandatory Page header and Closing page sections. The Add pages and Add content toolbox functions will allow you to manually insert additional pages and content, including survey questions and custom images.

A burgundy Click here to add x missing question(s) button in the middle of the edit screen will appear to highlight the fact that not all the survey questions in the survey model have been included in the current pulse survey questionnaire layout. Ignore this button/message if the plan is to include only a subset of the survey questions in the questionnaire layout, or click on the button for the missing questions to be automatically inserted into a new page that will be added before the questionnaire’s Closing page. Alternatively, insert the questions manually into the required pages by means of the Add content > Survey question toolbox function.

Part 8C editor

Please note that you can still run the Generate questionnaire wizard at any later stage by clicking on the Regenerate/generate questionnaire button, but be warned: running the wizard will delete the current questionnaire layout and replace it with the wizard-generated layout.

Clicking on the Generate questionnaire button will open a dialogue window where the wizard’s design parameters can be set: 

1. Introduction page – include a custom introduction page as the first page of the survey questionnaire.
2. Business unit – add a business unit selection mechanism to the survey, i.e. one or more dropdown fields that will allow the survey respondents to select their business units and sub-units. This option will only be available – and necessary – in cases where the survey participants’ business unit affiliation have not been pre-loaded via the Manage PARTICIPANTS module (see Manage Survey Participants).
3. Demographic questions – include demographic questions in the survey questionnaire. This option will only be available in cases where the survey participants’ demographic data have not been pre-loaded via the Manage PARTICIPANTS module (see Edit Demographic Data).
4. Partner and/or client logos – include the Partner and/or client’s logos in the header section of the questionnaire layout. The logos can be edited or changed afterwards, or can be manually inserted via the Add content > Text & images toolbox function.
5. Sort survey questions – select the appropriate option to either sort and included the survey questions in a random order or in a construct sequence, with each construct starting on a new page.
6. Number of questions per page – specify the maximum number of survey questions per page. Please note that this option will only be available if the random sort option has been selected (see previous point).

Downloading an Excel version of the Questionnaire

The Download questionnaire button will allow you to download the current survey questionnaire design in Excel format, with the survey questions in the same sequence as the online version. The Excel version can be edited and logos and branding added where required and printed to be used as the basis of a paper-based survey questionnaire.

Previewing the Online Questionnaire

Click on the Preview questionnaire button to preview all the pages of the online survey questionnaire. The Previous Page and Continue buttons at the bottom of the screens will allow you to page through to the next or previous pages without having to complete any of the survey questions. You will however have to complete a few of the questions if you want to see the progress bar in action.

Defining the Header Content

The page header section will be repeated on all pages of the online survey, so it will make sense to include the survey’s name, company logos or branding, and survey-specific themes in the header.

The header section will be displayed in full on the first page of the online survey, but will automatically be scrolled off-screen in subsequent pages to save space if there are more survey questions on the page than can fit on to the screen (see example below). The user can however scroll up at any point to view the full header section.

Adding Pages to the Questionnaire

The Add pages toolbox group in the side panel will allow you to insert additional pages into the survey questionnaire by dragging and dropping them to the desired positions in the work area.

Part 7E intro Insert an introduction page by dragging and dropping it into the survey questionnaire work area

To add an Introduction page to the layout, click and drag the toolbox function from the side panel and drop it at the position in the questionnaire where you want the page to be inserted. Then edit the content by clicking on the toolbox dropdown menu and selecting the Edit content menu item. You can insert additional content by means of the Add content toolbox group in the side panel, and you can edit the content by double-clicking on it or selecting the Edit option from the relevant dropdown menu.


Part 7F question Insert a page for survey questions by dragging and dropping it into the survey questionnaire work area

To add a Questions page to the layout, click on the toolbox function in the side panel and drag and drop the page into the survey questionnaire work area. A dropdown field with the first survey question will be included in the page. Select the survey question to be displayed by clicking on the dropdown field and selecting the question from the list. Click on the Save button to save the question that was selected. See the Add content > Survey question section lower down for more on inserting and editing survey questions.


Part 7G demograp Insert a page with demographic survey questions by dragging and dropping it into the survey questionnaire work area

To include demographic questions in the survey:

  • Add a demographics page with survey questions for all the demographic categories as defined via the Manage PARTICIPANTS > Demographics function to the survey questionnaire (drag and drop the Demographics page toolbox item onto the questionnaire work area);
  • Select the demographic categories that should be included in the survey questionnaire by (1) clicking on the circular edit icon next to the demographic questions and selecting the Edit content from the dropdown menu, (2) including the demographic categories by checking the checkboxes next to them, and (3) clicking on the Save button at the bottom of the panel.

Part 7G demograp page2

Note: including demographic survey questions in a survey should only be done in case of either (1) a public survey, i.e. if the demographic data of all the participants have not been captured or imported beforehand via the Manage PARTICIPANTS function, or (2) if you want to use the survey to update the survey participants’ demographic data by getting them to answer demographic survey questions.

Part 7H unit Insert a page with business unit selection fields by dragging and dropping it into the survey questionnaire work area

To allow the survey respondents to indicate the division, department or business unit where they work, include a dedicated Business unit page in the survey. To insert the page, drag and drop the Business unit page toolbox item into the questionnaire work area.

Note: asking survey respondents to indicate their business units should only be done if the business unit affiliations of all the participants have not been captured or imported beforehand via the Manage PARTICIPANTS function.

The business unit survey function will use a branching mechanism to make provision for an organization with a hierarchy of business units. The first business unit selection field will ask the respondent to select the highest-level business unit, e.g. Regional Office. A second business unit selection field will then be displayed, asking the respondent to select the next level’s business unit, e.g. Division. This mechanism will ensure that respondents select only valid sub-units that fall under a higher-level unit.

To ensure that the correct terminology is used to describe a business unit at a particular level (division, department, team etc.), edit the descriptions for the different business unit levels (see image below).

Adding or Editing Content to a Page

Part 7I content

The Add content toolbox group in the side panel will allow you to add survey questions, descriptive text, images, and logos to survey questionnaire pages.

Part 7J question Add survey questions to the survey by dragging and dropping them into a page in the work area

To add a survey question to a page, drag the Survey question toolbox function from the side panel and drop it onto a survey questionnaire page in the work area. Select the survey question to be displayed by clicking on the dropdown field and selecting the question from the list. Survey questions that have already been included somewhere else in the survey questionnaire will be marked with a tick mark in a circle, and cannot be selected again. Click on the Save button to save the question that was selected.

Part 7J question select

To edit a question (i.e. select a different question) or to delete a question, click on the question’s dropdown toolbox and select the Edit content or Delete content options. To reposition a survey question, simply click on the question and drag it to a new position. 

Part 7J question edit


Part 7K text Add text and images to the survey by dragging and dropping them into a page in the work area

To add descriptions (text) and images to a page, drag the Text & images toolbox function from the side panel and drop it onto a survey questionnaire page in the work area. The text editor will automatically be loaded, and will allow you to format the text as required (more about the text editor’s functions). Click on the Save button to save the changes and to close the text editor.

Part 7K text edit

Images can also be inserted anywhere in the survey questionnaire, and can be scaled and left or right justified as required. 

Part 7K text image

The text editor will provide you with full control over the layout and formatting of the text: 

Part 7K text editor


Part 7L logos Insert logos by dragging and dropping them into the survey questionnaire work area

Add the Partner and/or client’s logos to the header page if you want them to be displayed at the top of each page. To add the logos to a page, drag the Logos toolbox function from the side panel and drop it onto a survey questionnaire page in the work area. Select the logos that should be displayed on the left or right side of the page, and click on the Save button to save the configuration.

Part 7L logos edit


Part 7L logos Add conditional questions to the survey questionnaire by dragging and dropping them into a page in the work area

To configure a single-choice Likert question as a conditional question in a survey questionnaire, drag the Conditional question toolbox function from the side panel and drop it onto a survey questionnaire page in the work area. Select the survey question to be used as a Conditional Question by clicking on the dropdown field and selecting the question from the list. Survey questions that have already been included somewhere else in the survey questionnaire will be marked with a tick mark in a circle, and cannot be selected again. Click on the Save button to save the question that was selected.

Part 7M condit 1

See the Including Conditional Branching in a Survey Questionnaire section for more on how to use conditional branching in a survey questionnaire.



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