Manage Business Units

Part 12 busunit menu       Part 12 busunit toolbox

The Business Unit toolbox group in the side panel will allow you to add, edit or delete a business unit to or from the employee list.

Part 12 delete menu Add – or drag and drop – a new business unit to the employee list

A new business unit can be added in one of the following two ways:

  • Click to add – select a business unit or an employee record with the mouse (it should be highlighted in burgundy), and then click on the Add business unit toolbox function in the side panel or the dropdown toolbox; a new unit will be added to either the business unit that was selected, or to the business unit under which the selected employee falls.
  • Drag and drop – click on the Add business unit function and drag it to the desired location in the employee list.

A dialogue window where the new business unit’s details can be captured will be displayed:


1. Parent business unit – the new business unit will be created as a child of the business unit that was selected when the function was invoked (shown in the field); click on the dropdown field to select a different business unit.
2. Name for business unit – enter an alphanumeric name for the new business unit.
3. Management level – select the default ‘auto’ option for the management level to be automatically calculated for use in Engage INSIGHT, or select a value from 1 (executive management/organizational level) to 5 (front line manager level).
4. Capture employees – the total number of employee records captured under this business unit will be displayed, which will be 0 initially.
5. Number of employees – a default value, equal to the number of employee records that have been captured, will be displayed. If the business unit is going to include any off-system employees (part-time or temporary workers without email addresses), increase this value to reflect the total number of employees (headcount) that the business unit will have (captured records plus off-system employees). In the example above, the 5 Marketing business unit will have 2 additional off-system employees who will complete the survey, either via paper-based questionnaires or a shared kiosk link. 


Part 12 delete menu Edit the selected business unit

Select a business unit with your mouse (it should be highlighted in burgundy), and then click on the Edit business unit toolbox function in the side panel or in the toolbox dropdown menu. Alternatively, just double-click on the business unit to edit it. A dialogue window with the business unit’s details will be displayed (see Add business unit above for more).

Part 12 delete menu Delete the selected business unit

This function will allow you to delete one or more business units. Select a business unit with your mouse (it should be highlighted in burgundy) – all child sub-units will be automatically selected. Alternatively, select an arbitrary combination of business units and employees by ticking their check boxes. Once you have selected the business unit(s), click on the Delete business unit toolbox function in the side panel or in the toolbox dropdown menu.

A dialogue window with a warning message will be displayed, asking you to confirm that you do want to delete the selected business unit(s). Please note that all sub-units (children business units) and related employee records will also be deleted.


For more information, click on a sub-menu item at the top of the page⇑ or in the right margin