Managing engagement

Using AI to understand open-ended feedback

The Pattern: For years and years, reviewing the results of a survey within your organization has probably followed a predictable pattern.

1.     Trying to understand high level, organizational trends that are occurring across your business
2.     Isolating patterns of results that suggest certain sections of the business or groups of employees may need targeted  help.
3.     Using the collected responses and patterns to make business decisions.

This is a great approach, and a framework we have designed both our entire platform and survey systems around.

Managing engagement

Where to start with diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion.  Although it has long been recognized as an issue, the events of this year have catapulted it to the top of the list for many organizations. The 2020 PwC Global Diversity & Inclusion Survey had an all-time high of 76% of respondents indicate that DEI “…is a priority or value” of their organization.  Let's discuss moving from priority to a data-driven strategy. 

Managing engagement

Managing engagement & performance with gardens in mind

Engagement and Performance are both key areas that a manager must manage. An organization filled with folks who hate their job or who are unable to perform is headed for disaster. It really is quite unfortunate then that "Performance" and "Engagement", despite their importance, are incredibly squishy concepts that depend on unique efforts and experiences of every member of a team. This presents a daunting challenge to managers, that few appear to be meeting well

However, this may be because the tools that we use to approach problems within the workplace lead us to the wrong conclusions about how to achieve important, but squishy goals.

Employee surveys

How to solve problems with customized survey research

Organizations are immensely complicated social structures whose engines run on human creativity and effort. As a consequence, diagnosing what is and isn’t working as intended can be incredibly complicated. This high degree of complexity is, in fact, why we developed the Flow@Work model of engagement. We believe, based on review of the available evidence, that engagement is at the core of understanding how well the processes and structures of a given business are working for those who work within it. 

Engagement survey step 3

Done an engagement survey – now what? Part 3

So, you have gone through the survey process, carefully reviewed the results, and decided on how to respond to the results. Now you are left with the most important part of all, deciding on the questions that you will need to answer going forward. Put another way, how do we ensure that our next survey process leverages what we have learned, builds on what we plan to do, and answers the questions that are central to the organization?     

Engagement survey step 1

Done an engagement survey – now what? Part 2

All right, so you’ve gone through all of the project planning, completion rate checking, and response window timeline extensions necessary to bring your engagement survey process to a close. You may have even chosen to make this process as simple as possible on yourself, by using Engage SURVEY. Now you are left with the most important question: