In today’s competitive business landscape, an optimized Employee Experience (EX) is the linchpin for driving employee engagement and sustained organizational growth. The traditional approach of annual engagement surveys coupled with sporadic engagement initiatives is not sufficient. A more holistic, lifecycle-oriented approach is required to build a positive EX, from the pre-hire to offboarding.
The advantages of elevating EX are directly tied to an organization's bottom line. Research done by IDC, Columbia University and Gallup states that a robust EX strategy can lead to a 50% surge in revenue. Moreover, an exemplary EX makes employees 23 times more likely to recommend the organization, creating a positive outcome for employer branding.
That’s why Mindset’s Engage EX platform has been specifically designed to continually gauge employee sentiment across all stages of the employment lifecycle. Integrating with your existing Human Resource Information System (HRIS) empowers your organization to track and refine EX in real-time. By leveraging automated pulse surveys, targeted at specific lifecycle milestones such as pre- and post-onboarding, an organization can delve deeper into employee sentiment, understanding their needs, aspirations, and areas of discontent.
A feature that stands out is the real-time notification system. Whenever employees’ responses hit predefined thresholds, for instance scoring below 4 on Net Promoter Score (NPS) questions, escalation triggers will automatically alert the concerned personnel, thus fostering a culture of proactive responsiveness.
Embedding these real-time feedback loops and actionable insights into the organization not only drives engagement at every stage of the employee lifecycle, but also ensures it is sustainable. This refined approach to EX is not just about temporary engagement spikes, but about cultivating a work environment where engagement is the norm, not the exception. Through a well-crafted EX strategy, organizations are better positioned to not only retain top talent, but also to drive a culture of continuous improvement, ultimately propelling the organization towards continued success.