Personal Engagement Report
Empower your employees with individualized engagement reports so they can take control of their own engagement
Decentralize employee engagement and make it a talking point at all levels of the organization by providing your employees with their own individualized engagement reports
Our research suggests that this type of feedback instigates ground-level conversations amongst employees about engagement and the culture of their organization – with the result that engagement becomes in effect part of their daily dialogue, driving lasting change.
Take a look |
Click here to do a short 33-question survey so you can generate your own personal engagement report (mobile & desktop) |
Provide all Survey Respondents with Engagement Feedback Reports
The individualized engagement reports will provide your employees with tangible recognition that no one’s challenges within the organization are unimportant. These reports will help to:
- Improve survey participation rates by incentivizing and rewarding your employees for participating in the survey;
- Empower your employees to take ownership of their relationship with their managers or supervisors;
- Provide targeted feedback to help everyone understand where they are in their personal engagement journeys; and
- Sensitize your managers to the impact they have on the engagement levels of their direct reports.