In today’s competitive business landscape, an optimized Employee Experience (EX) is the linchpin for driving employee engagement and sustained organizational growth. The traditional approach of annual engagement surveys coupled with sporadic engagement initiatives is not sufficient. A more holistic, lifecycle-oriented approach is required to build a positive EX, from the pre-hire to offboarding.
Conducting employee surveys, such as engagement or employee wellbeing, can often be a source of frustration when it comes to analyzing and presenting the survey results.
We have conducted a comprehensive analysis of the scales used in our organization-wide engagement surveys at Mindset and wish to present the findings confirming the high level of reliability of these scales. The report also suggests areas for continuous improvement to maintain and enhance the quality of our survey tools.
Engagement surveys and leadership assessments are essential components of any sizable organization's efforts to enhance productivity and performance. However, to ensure sustainable engagement over time, it is crucial engagement survey results are mapped down to team level so managers can be held accountable for the engagement levels of their team members.
Organizations of all sizes face significant challenges when it comes to retaining top talent and managing the shift in the way we work – even more so in case of large enterprises and multinationals in the new-way-of-work. McKinsey’s latest State of Organisations 2023 report states that 39% of respondents say they plan to leave their jobs in the next 3 - 6 months.
Engagement levels amongst most of our clients have been steadily improving over the past 5 years. The best way to maintain this trend over time will be to make sure that engagement is addressed holistically, from all relevant stakeholder perspectives, i.e. individual employees, managers/leaders, business units/teams, and ultimately the overall organizational work environment – with the focus on getting leaders to change their behavior and to take action (as Bersin describes it in Employee Engagement 3.0 – From Feedback to Action).